Treasurer’s Info

Diocesan Treasurer

The Treasurer for the Diocesan ECW is Mary Hawkins. She can be reached via email, or via the USPS at:

ECW Financial Secretary
c/o Mary Hawkins
1805 Primrose Lane
Durham, NC 27707-4333

Things ECW Branch Presidents and Treasurers
Need to Know

What It Is, Where It Goes and When

Mission Fund: A designated gift for mission work in children’s programs, inside and outside the diocese.

Epiphany Offering: A designated gift for missions, inside or outside the diocese.

Lex Mathews Scholarship Fund: Scholarships for women age 23 and older are awarded in late Spring. Gifts to the scholarship fund may be sent to Diocesan Treasurer and are accepted any time during year.

Harris-Evans Conference Fund: Gifts/offerings may be sent to Diocesan Treasurer at any time and are used to fund the outreach/social justice conference held every 3 years.

Church Periodical Club (CPC ): CPC Sunday is traditionally held the first Sunday in May. Offerings may be collected at any time, however, and gifts may be sent to Diocesan Treasurer throughout the year.

ECW Branch Pledges: Sent to Diocesan Treasurer; 1/2 of pledge payment due by May 1st, remainder by December 1st at the latest. Supports the work of the Diocesan ECW and helps connect the diocese to women’s ministries and the worldwide Anglican Communion.

Download the 2021 ECW Branch Pledge Form

Convocation Pledge Payments: sent directly to the chair of your convocation at any time.

United Thank Offering (UTO): After each spring and fall ingathering, one check for the total amount collected should be sent to the Diocesan Treasurer. (Please don’t mail the bills or coins placed in the offering boxes).

NOTE: The memo line of every check should specify the fund or ministry for which the money is intended. Please do NOT send money directly to Diocesan House in Raleigh or the national church office in New York.