136th Annual Meeting
+ Harris-Evans Conference
Episcopal Church Women - Diocese of North Carolina
November 2 & 3, 2018
Hosted by the women of the Raleigh Convocation
Navigating the Chaos with Grace
All events except the service of Holy Eucharist will be held in the Parish Hall, adjacent to St. Michael’s Episcopal Church, 1520 Canterbury Rd., Raleigh NC 27608.
Friday, November 2
Noon-1:00 pm: Registration check-in, exhibits and bookstore open, pre-ordered lunches available
1:00-2:00 pm: Call to Order and Business Session I
2:00-2:15 pm: Break - exhibits and bookstore open
2:15-3:00 pm: The Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tomaine, “The Reality of Chaos: Our response, role and desire”
3:00-3:30 pm: Business Session II
3:30-4:15 pm: Convocation Sharing Time
4:15-4:30 pm: Break - move to the main sanctuary for Holy Eucharist
4:30-6:00 pm: Holy Eucharist with The Rev. David F. Sellery, Canon for Congregational Mission and The Rev. Samuel Gregory Jones, Rector of St. Michael’s Episcopal Church
6:10-7:20 pm: Dinner - St. Michael’s Parish Hall – reservations required
7:30 pm: May we suggest an evening of organ music after dinner:
Organ Concert, in St. Michael’s Sanctuary. Free Admission.
Visiting Soloist Eric Plutz, Organist at Princeton University
Contributions will be welcomed in support of concerts at St. Michael’s
Saturday, November 3
Check out of hotel before returning to St. Michael’s Parish Hall for Morning Devotions
8:15-8:45 am: Complimentary continental breakfast at St. Michael’s Parish Hall for commuters (RSVP required)
9:00-9:20 am: Morning Devotions led by The Rev. Dr. Jane A. Tomaine
9:20-9:30 am: Welcome and introduction of retreat leader
9:30-10:15 am: Part I: Relationship and Communication: Honoring one another through difference
10:15-10:30 am: Break - exhibits and bookstore open
10:30-11:15 am: Part II: Spiritual Grounding: Preparing our hearts to be creative and steadfast peacemakers
11:15-11:30 am: Break - exhibits and bookstore open
11:30-12:30 pm: Part III: Navigating with Grace: Being a presence for transformation in community and relationship
12:30-12:45 pm: Passing of the President’s Gavel - Blessing and Adjournment