6. Facts are Facts

Though English is the official language of Botswana, Setswana (also spelled Tswana) is the dialect spoken most widely across the country. Four million people across southern Africa use it, and it is written in the Latin alphabet. The hand-lettered sign pictured here is in Setswana. It appeared in the large room that’s used alternately as a gym/dining hall/assembly area by a secondary school in the desert town of Tsabong where the Mothers’ Union, an Anglican organization, held their annual conference in 2010. Here’s the translation: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” In fact, this was the theme of the conference, which took place that August. The scripture (Philippians 4:13) has particular resonance because it reminds us of our complete dependence on God. Different languages, different continents, different cultures don’t change this fact.