b. May 19, 1926
by Audrey Congdon Harris, St. Mary’s Episcopal Church, High Point 2017
Colleen Ivey Hartsoe
Active church members Colleen and Charlie Hartsoe raised their children at St. Mary’s where she is a member of ECW, St. Cecilia’s chapter, and served as President in 1975. Colleen participated in ECW Diocesan Convocations, Annual Meetings and was instrumental in the establishment of the Lex Matthews Scholarship Fund. Her famous ‘Cosmic Women’ skit was enjoyed by many. Always advocating for children, she organized and recruited teachers for the nursery, preschool, Sunday School, and Vacation Bible School, and taught children’s Sunday School for many years. When asked why she didn’t bring donuts like another teacher replied, “he feeds their stomachs, I feed their souls.”
Following her stint in children’s ministry, she led the Adult Forum and initiated the first Women’s Bible Study. A groundbreaker, she was also the first woman chalice bearer at St. Mary’s, an early female member of the Vestry, frequent delegate to conventions, and in our original EFM class.
Talented writer, poet, and artist, Colleen is known for her illustrated Christmas cards. Interested in women’s issues, and as the St. Mary’s ‘Premier Historian’, Colleen authored books including: Dear Daughter, Letters from Eve and Other Women in the Bible, The Church Women—A Woman’s Guide to Church Membership, and A History of a Church. As church newsletter editor for three decades, parishioners looked forward to her weekly synopses of Scriptures to be read in church, for which she studied and prepared thoroughly. ‘Did you knows?’, tidbits of ecumenical knowledge and information, highlights of our own parish and the diocese were reported with flair. Her kids’ quotes, gleaned from outside sources and her Sunday School Classes, were hilarious. One definition of the Columbarium: “Sure, you know, it’s that place when people die, they call ‘em and bury ‘em!”
From parishioners: “She has given so much to our church, willing to challenge and question things she not necessarily understands or agrees with”, “A sleuth of the Episcopal Church, researching it’s history and purpose, a voice for the role of women in the Church.” Also: “A smart, gracious, inspirational, welcoming woman”, “Great teacher and scholar”, and: “Her wisdom and knowledge comes into play every time she meets with us, discussing different angles – thought provoking.” She told one parishioner that she never marched or demonstrated for women’s rights and issues, and that her calling was to simply write about them.
In the community, Colleen was involved in the inception of the Developmental Day Care Center and kept their books for a time. An active member of Church Women United, she once served as President. A long term member of her book club, Colleen provoked stimulating dialogues. She and husband Charlie have been faithful Mobile Meals delivery volunteers for about 20 years.
This collection of memories & recollections is gathered from friends and church family at St. Mary’s, and written with LOVE, about a significant woman who always dedicated her work to God and those who inspired her.