b. 1932
by the Archives Committee of St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, Winston-Salem, NC, 2016
Helen Ann Lerian Humphrey
Helen Ann Lerian is a cradle Episcopalian who grew up at St. Timothy’s parish in Catonsville, Maryland. She was very active with the Church during her early years.
In 1956 she married Dudley Humphrey, from Wilmington, North Carolina. They moved to Winston-Salem in 1961 and joined St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, where both have been active members ever since.
Ann immediately joined a circle and became involved with the ECW Bazaar. She had the privilege of working with some truly remarkable women, who trained her well. For more than fifty years, she has helped cook the lasagna for the Bazaar luncheon.
Ann has served on just about every committee, including the Education Committee, the Personnel Committee, and search committees for assistant rectors and for the rector. She chaired the Trust Commission (outreach), and recently she and Dudley chaired the Every Member Canvass. Ann has been a delegate several times to the Diocesan Convention, serving on the Credentials Committee.
Ann has been elected to two terms on the Vestry, has completed two terms as Senior Warden, and has also served as Junior Warden. She has served on The Thompson Children’s Home board. Currently for St. Paul’s, she chairs the Funeral Reception Committee and serves as an Agape host.
Ann firmly believes that the Lord always asks you to do a job, whether you know it or not. To serve the Lord and one’s church is the ultimate gift in life.