Proposed Agenda

2024 Harris-Evans Conference

Friday, September 6, 2024 - 7-8:30 pm

6:45 - Gathering: Scenes of Radiant TV and ECW Events - Joe Schuch, Technician

7:00-7:05 - Welcome and introduction of the participants - Mary Hawkins

Opening Prayer - Valeria Dove

7:05-7:10 - Harris-Evans Conference Background - Robyn Furges

7:15-8:00 - Churches Expanding Hospitality to Provide Supportive and Affordable Housing - The Rev. Lisa Fischbeck

1. The call to expand our hospitality
2. The need for supportive and affordable housing and the distinction between the two
3. How some churches are responding - three models
4. How each church might respond

· Hosting housing
· Serving as a collaborator
· Advocacy

5. Acknowledging concerns and fears.

8:05-8:15 - Questions and Answers - Darrell Powell

8:15-8:25 - Conclusions, Next Steps, Resources - Valeria Dove

8:25-8:30 - Closing Prayer - Valeria Dove