Jean's Blog
Educate yourself about opportunities for Christian service.
Welcome to a new web log that we hope will become a valuable resource for all ECW branches. Our hope is that the news shared in this space will encourage and inspire you to take on a mission, program or challenge that will help you contribute to the work of the Millennium Development Goals.
We'll present news of the works of church women throughout the Diocese. Throughout this year I will attempt to talk to women in every parish, whether they have an official ECW branch or not. I will ask how these women serve their churches, their communities, and their world to make them better places. Many groups have programs planned a year in advance and they include service projects, fundraisers and other regular meetings. Some groups are small, and contribute to the life of their churches by volunteering some acts of service that keep the church community alive and vibrant. There are so many ways to grow through service, and we have a vast store of examples from our sisters.