All Saints' - Roanoke Rapids

We've received a report from Ruthie Gregory at All Saints with quite a bit of information about their ECW:

Their Christian Education programs were on the fruits of the Spirit and come from the book "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore. They meet monthly and have a lunch catered by one of the church members.

On the Saturday before Thanksgiving, the ECW held a food and craft fair that netted $3,718.41 which was donated to outreach, including a local group, a state group and an international group.

They hosted a Sunday brunch after one of the services inviting all women of the church to attend. There was a social time, featuring punch and hor'd'oeurves followed by a buffet-style meal. After lunch the ECW presented a short program.

The last meeting of the church year was a picnic at a lake home, to which all women are invited. All food was furnished by the board.

The ECW at All Saints also has a St. Francis Guild that functions under Social Relations to visit shut-ins and the ill on a monthly basis; it supports a young person in Afghanistan, and has a newly-instituted chapter of the Daughters of the King, which will hold a meeting for new members this fall.

Thank you, Ruthie, for a wonderful report from All Saints, Roanoke Rapids!