Some Telling Stats

The numbers of the 76th General Convention tell interesting stories. One is that we are a church that's diversifying. According to the Church's record keepers, included in the deputations are 85 African Americans, 53 Latinos/Hispanics, 17 Native Americans, 14 Asian Americans and 4 native Hawaiians. That's 16.1 percent of all deputies, compared to 15.3 percent in 2006 and 14 percent in 2003. Four percent declare themselves openly gay, compared to 3.2 percent and 1.9 percent in 2006 and 2003 respectively. The youngest deputies come from the dioceses of Western Michigan, Chicago and Wyoming.

Another is that attending General Convention takes dedication, not to mention time and money. The turnover rate for the House of Deputies, comprised of laity and clergy, remains high: 43 percent are attending their first convention, compared to 45 percent in 2006 and 42 percent in 2003. I know the Diocese of NC's deputies have attended meetings over the past few days that have lasted until midnight, or after.

Then there are the conversations that happen when you're making your way from one meeting to another. Martha Alexander knows all about it.

The best defense is dressing comfortably and owning a good pair of walking shoes. I call this "Bishops Ascending." A bit more poetic than "Headed to the third floor, where the House of Bishops is located", don't you think?

And whenever possible, laugh...

and enjoy a quick lunch in the sunshine. Margo Acomb and Sonja Bennett have the right idea.