"Don't do it"

Rockingham, N.C., November 18th, ‘27

My dear Bishop Penick:

It has been suggested at our Guild meetings that we give a card party as a means of making money for church activities. Mr. Hartzell, our rector, is agreeable, provided it is not out of harmony with church procedure in the larger parishes in the state. Some of us are from the north where Bridge parties are used to raise money for church funds, but we feel that our little church here in Rockingham had better follow established precedents.

Will you please let us know if card parties have been held in larger parishes, and what you would think of our having one here; we are anxious to make no mistakes.

Sincerely yours,

Nora Thompson Dicks (Mrs. R. P.  Dicks)

To indicate the essence and date of his reply Bishop Penick wrote in the corner: “Don’t do it  Nov 22”

[Source: Bishop Edwin A. Penick Papers, Correspondence 1927 – D, Archives of the Diocese of North Carolina]