A silver tea for the benefit of the clinic

On the evening of January 29th, the Woman’s Guild [Good Shepherd, Cooleemee] gave a silver tea for the benefit of the clinic, and the interest which the community has is this work was manifested in the large attendance and generous contributions.  The Erwin Concert Band furnished music for the occasion, and addresses were made by Mr. J. W. Zachary, manager of the mill, and Mr. T. C. Pegram, superintendent.  In addition to the words of appreciation the folks attending contributed eighty-five dollars to the clinic.  This very practical expression of interest and sympathy has enabled us to purchase a set of standard scales and other very needed supplies.  The school children and others, are being weighed, charted, etc. and a determined effort is being made to build up all those underweight.  During the early part of February the dentist sent out by the State Board of Health visited Cooleemee, and for the week assigned here we offered him the use of our clinic rooms in which to work.  One hundred and ninety children from the lower grades were examined and in the majority of cases work done.  His allotment of time here did not enable him to get out of the fourth grade, and we are now making an effort to get a return date, sponsored by the clinic, and to continue this most important work.  Our last year’s report showed that 989 people visited the clinic, with 2, 227 first aid treatments, and the nurse made 981 visits into the homes of the people.  May we remind our good friends of the Woman’s Auxiliary throughout the Diocese, that we are just waiting for some funds to go ahead with the many opportunities and pressing needs before us.

(Source: The Carolina Churchman, March 1931, p. 7)