the church is doing a grand work here

Mrs. J. W. King keeps the Sunday-school in a healthy condition, and in our Parish school, with the assistance of Miss Annie Jacobs and Mrs. P. A. King, the church is doing a grand work here. The school stands high in the community, and it is patronized by all the different denominations around us. The still current of opposition and prejudice is being turned, and we are steadily going forward doing the great work of the Church. Last year we had the largest Church school in the Diocese, and the only reason our number is not as large this year, is that we are not able to do justice to so many with the small force which we have. We very much need the industrial feature connected with our work, and we hope, ere long, we shall have it.

(Source: The Rev. P. P. Alston, Parochial Report, St. Michael’s Chapel, Charlotte, 1892 Journal of Convention, 89)