Have we advanced, held our ground or retreated?

During this period of change and trial how has our Auxiliary fared? Have we advanced, held our ground, or retreated? My answer to this must be based on your reports to me and to your Diocesan Officers, and on my contacts with you at District Meetings and through your letters… . I can report a ten per cent increase in membership… . On the financial side in a year that has confronted us with appeals from our country and our Allies both voluntary and compulsory, our Auxiliary members have still shown their faith in the cause we serve by not only meeting our Budget of $7400 but giving $684 above it plus specials to the amount of $822.55, and an increase in the United Thank Offering… .

(Source: Margaret G. Holmes (Mrs. Urban T. Holmes), President’s Address to the Woman’s Auxiliary, 1943 Annual Report, pp. 8-9)