Lenten Women's Retreat at St. Paul's, Winston-Salem

Please join us for a day of spiritual renewal on Saturday, March 2, as we explore how to mindfully construct space for God in our lives during this Lenten season. We are excited to have author and priest, Dr. Lauren Winner, as the speaker at our Eighth Lenten Women’s Retreat. New this year is a parallel Children’s Retreat for children ages 4-10 (see below).

The registration form can be downloaded here, and is also available on the St. Paul’s website. Please feel free to forward this information to family and friends! Women of all ages and stages are welcome!

The Lenten Women’s Retreat Committee


The Children’s’ Retreat - just plain fun:

Adults and teens will lead us through a variety of workshops during our morning together. Our anchor story is that of Jesus as a boy visiting the Temple with his family during the Feast of the Passover. With this story, we will focus on worship and prayer - then and now. We will be cooking, storytelling, crafting and going on a scavenger hunt in our sanctuary. We will end our time together with a pizza lunch and then return to the adults for worship in the nave. Please consider giving us the joy of spending time with your children, grandchildren and young friends. Open to all who attend the Women’s Retreat.