Dear Praying Friends,
We are most grateful and encouraged to know so many of you pray faithfully for us. Thank you for your e-mails letting us know that. What a blessing you are!
- For the recent visit of a team from Nashotah House seminary, for the relationship developing between them and the Saints Agustine Seminary here. They taught a course on developing a Rule of Life which was very successful and helpful. We were very blessed by this team of students, one professor's spouse, and the wife and four year old child of one of the students. Our boys spent a delightful week playing with their new friend, Joel.
- For the arrival of Revs. Shaw and Julie Mudge, and their daughter, Lydia. They will be in language school for three months and then will be full time professors in the seminary - hooray!!
- We are so thankful for the Lord's protection during a period of intense spiritual attack. The attack came against our seminarians, the Bishop's health, James at school, our lives. We are so thankful that you pray for us, please don't stop, we rely on you!
- We were so greatly encouraged in the midst of much trial to learn of God's gracious provision, through an anonymous donor. This person made a very generous gift to the seminary which will allow us to function for the next several months. Thank you, Lord!
- The talks on abuse have been extremely helpful and the Lord continues to provide us with the people we need to help in this training. May He lead us as we seek to develop ministries which will not only help the broken find healing but also prevent the abuse from occuring. We hope to develop programs to teach families how to love and forgive one another, to teach on marriage and parenting. We have a lot of plans!
- For the last six months, James and John have been praying that the infection in their Grandpa's tummy will heal in order that he can go with them to the pool before the end of the summer. This past month the doctor here has been applying anti-biotics directly into the wound and there has been substantial improvement. The outside has healed and we are waiting and praying that this time the inside would also be fully knit together and there would be an end to the infection. The boys swam with their Grandpa this past Sunday afternoon!
Prayer Requests:
- Please pray for our family's health and well-being. All the boys are getting over a week of stomach bugs. Pray that both our boys would be strengthened in their inner beings and that their lives would be firmly founded on the knowledge of God's great love for them. Pray for wisdom for us as parents and in particular the Lord's guidance with regard to their schooling.
- For the newly-formed nominating committee (of which Allen is part) whose task is help the diocese find candidates for the position of assistant and missionary bishops. Please pray that the Lord would bring us the leaders of His choosing, who would enable the diocese here to fulfill it's vision and to grow and strengthen the church here and beyond!
- Please pray for financial provision both for the seminary and for us personally. The fact that Allen cannot afford to have a secretary right now means that he has to assume all those additional tasks and cannot do that easily.
- Please continue to pray for the seminarians for protection over them and provision for all their needs. We asked you to pray for Marco Gomez, who was mugged. Two days after we made that prayer request, he was attacked by a rottweiler and his upper lip and nose were badly torn. The following week he was mugged again. Thanks be to God, when he returned to the doctors after four days, the doctor was amazed at the complete healing which had taken place when he removed the bandages! He said it was "miraculous!" Many other seminarians are struggling with family sickness and shortages.
- Please keep praying for Bishop Godfrey, presently raising support in England and then on to the ACC conference in Jamaica. Pray for strength and good health in his travels. This past month he ended up in hospital in Paraguay with severe dehydration. Needless to say that was a very difficult time for his family away from him. We are very thankful that the Lord brought him home safely!
As you bless us, may you also be blessed!
Rachel and Allen, James and John Hill.